Thursday, January 16, 2014

What’s New: For the Bike Commuter
Steph Ranada

In Manila, bike commuting is still considered as a hobby rather than a way of getting around the metro. However, steps have been taken to promote this activity through the initiation of legislation for a bike-friendly country.
This activity is not without its dangers, which is why certain precautions have to be made such as wearing of safety gear.
One new innovation for those who might be considering bike commuting is the Morpher helmet.
Morpher is a piece of bike equipment that provides protection of a standard helmet while also being collapsible. It is made of recyclable materials and uses a unique folding mechanism, which allows users to tuck it away in as small as a laptop bag.
Truly something to look forward to as the country becomes more bike-friendly.

Biking for Life, Manila Bulletin, 27 Aug 2013


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